Receive rewards for the amount of time you play on the Made to Raid Final Fantasy XI private server. The table below shows what item you will receive based on what your current /playtime is. Speak to a Festive Moogle to claim your rewards. ConditionRewardChocobo LicenseChocobo WhistleRank 6Shadow Lord Statue24 hoursAdventuring Certificate2 daysHarpsichord3 daysChocobo Shield4 daysChocobo Masque5 daysChocobo Suit6 daysTiger Mount7 daysBlack Chocobo Cap8 daysBlack Chocobo Suit10 days + Unlock all available jobsAbility to summon 4th Trust15 daysTenzen Companion Monthly Mount Rewards JanuaryGoobbueFebruarySheepMarchDhalmelAprilRed RaptorMayBuffaloJuneWivreJulyCrawlerAugustCoeurlSeptemberBeetleOctoberBombNovemberCrabDecemberMorbol